Environment & Sustainable development
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Friday, August 29, 2008

What is sustainability?

In the environmental community, when we talk about a sustainable world, we mean a world where we do not use more resources than we have, and would never use them at a greater rate than can be restored by Mother Nature. For example, we use fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas to produce electricity in our homes and to make our cars run. However, we know that the Earth does not contain enough fossil fuels to last forever. Burning fossil fuels also causes pollution and leads to global warming. So fossil fuels are not sustainable. However, we can use other sources of fuel that are sustainable! These include wind, water, the sun,and other energy sources that are in unlimited supply and do not pollute the environment. If everybody on the Earth lived a sustainable lifestyle, we would never run out of natural resources! Do you live a sustainable lifestyle? The lesson plans created by Earth Day Network will help you find out. You will also soon be able to take the Ecological Footprint Kids Quiz, which will help you find out
if you make sustainable choices on a daily basis. In this quiz, the bigger your footprint,the more resources you use in your daily life. Find out how to make your footprint smaller by taking the quiz. Each one of us is responsible for keeping our environment clean and healthy.Take an active role!


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