Environment & Sustainable development
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Saturday, August 23, 2008

What can India do?

• Voluntarily announce carbon reduction targets and demand no-cost technology transfers from the industrial north.
• Prevent deforestation, which contributes to over 20 per cent of the greenhouse gasses worldwide. Natural infrastructures that help moderate the climate and act as carbon sinks such as forests, wetlands,coasts, estuaries and grasslands must be zealously protected and not sacrificed for dams, mines, coal-fired thermal plants or surface transport systems.
• Develop new and alternate energy-efficient technologies (wind, solar and tidal), and alter policies - fiscal, regulatory, environmental- so that they are geared to combat global warming. We need to learn how to profit from low-carbon energy
options and services.
• Gain efficiency in power generation and distribution, emphasising clean energies, pollution control and conservation of water.
• Develop sophisticated scientific projects of the impact of climate
change so as to understand its extent and intensity, and also the regional variations to develop regional-specific solutions.
• Reduce human population and invest in education, health and sustainable transport options.
• Create financial incentive structures to encourage carbon storage.
• Play a greater role in the international community in demanding that all industrial nations tow the line and cut back sharply on. their carbon emissions.


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